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Next sessions

SystemVerilog for Verification (SV4DVE)

From 11 February to 26 March 2025

  • Kick-off : 11 February 2025
  • Live Integration : 25 Fabruary and 18 March
  • Workshops : 25 and 26 March


From 11 March to 18 April 2025

  • Kick-off : 11 March 2025
  • Lives Integration : 25 March and 8 April
  • Workshops : 17 and 18 April


From 27 May to 4 July 2025

  • Kick-off : 27 May 2025
  • Lives Integration : 10 and 24 June
  • Workshops : 3 and 4 July


Access to online content at any time

UVM fundamentals for Verification (UVM-starter)

From 1 April to 21 May 2025

  • Kick-off : 1 April
  • Lives Integration : 15 April, 29 April and 13 May
  • Workshops : 20 and 21 May


From 13 May to 27 June 2025

  • Kick-off : 13 May
  • Lives Integration : 27 May, 10 June and 24 June
  • Workshops : 26 and 27 June


From 8 July to 19 September 2025

  • Kick-off : 8 July
  • Lives Integration : 29 July, 26 August and 16 September
  • Workshops : 18 and 19 September


Access to online content at any time

High demand for IC design and verification skills

Verification engineers were few and far between just a decade ago. Now, on most integrated circuit design projects, verification engineers outnumber design engineers. According to the 2020 Wilson Research Group Functional Verification Study, more than half the time spent on IC design projects is spent on verification.

And yet only a small number of engineering schools offer courses in verification. There is a shortage of verification engineers on the job market, and companies are looking for ways to train their current engineers.

Aedvices IC design and verification training courses are modular and customizable to meet your engineers’ skills development needs.

UVM, a major IC design verification tool

Supported by the main EDA suppliers, UVM (Universal Verification Methodology) is a standardized verification methodology developed in SystemVerilog that allows you to develop test sequences and automate tests.

UVM is also used for the verification of circuit behavior, comparing output with specifications.

Aedvices is a UVM and SystemVerilog training provider

UVM and SystemVerilog training targeted audience

Microelectronics and FPGA design engineers whose job tasks include verification.

Verification engineers who want to improve their knowledge of verification methodology.

Managers who want to gain a better understanding of verification.

Our UVM and SystemVerilog courses are developed and delivered according to a formal quality management policy. For organizations in France, Aedvices has obtained Qualiopi quality certification for its training development and delivery processes.

Each training module addresses a specific IC design or verification skillset

We have developed a comprehensive set of IC design and verification training modules with specific learning outcomes. After each module, learners will know how to:

  • Determine the best verification strategy for each project.
  • Complete verification of IPs and SoCs.
  • Develop verification environments (SystemVerilog/UVM) and UVM verification IPs (VIPs).
  • Use formal verification to ensure whether the design satisfies requirements.
  • Produce written verification plans.
  • Develop complex multi-core test scenarios at SoC level in a SystemVerilog and UVM environment.
  • Work on front-end ASIC development in SystemVerilog.

Here is a selection of our UVM and SystemVerilog training modules:

Training for verification engineers

  • SystemVerilog basics
  • Introduction to UVM
  • SystemVerilog and UVM (advanced)
  • UVM toolbox
  • IP and SoC verification methodology
  • Verification project planning and management

For design engineers

  • Fundamentals of UVM in practice
  • RTL design in SystemVerilog

Ask about our UVM training and SystemVerilog training today!

A unique teaching method: the MILLI-group structure

Aedvices, in collaboration with Iconda, has implemented a new teaching method, based on a unique format : the MILLI structure (Modular Independent Learning with Live Integration). With new expectations from trainees, we took the best of both eLearnings and live sessions.

Each participant will benefit from the best of breadth of:

A personal expert trainer available during the whole training to share expertise, to help in consolidation of independent work and to keep the student motivate.

Independent Learning (IL) (Asynchronous learning):

At each student pace, he/she will get access to :
– interactive online content with integrated video and quizzes, available at any time thanks to the Learning Management System (LMS)
– individual exercises and labs, with answers automatically sent to trainers for personalized follow-up.
– real-time instant messaging to our trainers to answer a question.

Live Integration (LI) (Synchronous learning):

Live sessions animated by an Aedvices expert:
– in-depth Question & Answer sessions in groups of up to 5.
– team-based workshops.

What is the MILLI-group structure?

Participants register for a given Module (see list of available modules).
Each Module is a combination of one or more sections (Independent Learning + Live Integration) and workshops.

A MILLI-group is up to 5 students.

The MILLI-group structure, the best of breadth of both asynchronous and synchronous learning methods

– More flexible scheduling and individual work plan
– Contact and interaction time is concentrated on the valuable topics
– Better student/trainer ratio in live sessions to improve interactions
– A new Learning Management System with a dedicated trainer to follow students progression.

All Aedvices training modules will be transitionning into the MILLI-Group trainning organisation during first half of 2024. Please enquire with your Aedvices representative the exact availability date of your module of interest.

The MILLI trainings in 5 key points:

This custom program is designed to be agile, with classes on theory and practice, as well as individual mentoring and coaching. Our trainers use innovative, adaptive, project-based methods to ensure that learners acquire and can apply new knowledge:


Checkpoints as a final activity to demonstrate newly acquired expertise (oral presentation of written work and of a case study).


Courses in video format for theoretical content, continuously available through eLearning.


Quiz, exercices and labs to move from theory to practice.


An expert trainer for personnal follow-up during the whole training.


Live sessions in group of up to 5 to ensure maximum interaction and optimal quality of exchanges.

Typically, learners spend around 25% of their time on theory and practice (classes and workshops), 25% on mentoring from their assigned mentor and the verification community, and 50% applying their new knowledge to a project at work.

Spotlight on the STMicroelectronics Verification School

Semiconductor manufacturer STMicroelectronics ran its own Verification Schools with us since 2019.
We set up a team of verification managers, trainers, and human resources professionals to custom-build the program.

The STMicroelectronics Verification School included classes at the company premises and, in some cases, outside the company, depending on the expected learning outcomes. Learners were assessed continuously so that training content and follow-up could be realigned with objectives at all times.

Our custom IC design and verification training process


Needs analysis

Our training consultant meets with you to discuss your company’s employee training needs and objectives.


Learning objectives

The expected learning outcomes of your training program depend on your situation. Are you onboarding new hires? Upskilling your current engineering staff? We make sure we understand exactly what you need and that the proposed content for your course is appropriate for your learners.



Some course modules have prerequisites. We help you make sure that your employees have the required prior knowledge to get the most of their course.


Course creation

We create a custom course designed to meet your needs and ensure that the expected learning outcomes are achieved.

Teaching methods and tools

Aedvices UVM training is delivered using different tools and teaching methods
Aedvices UVM training combines theory and practice

Learners are able to understand and experiment using the concepts addressed during the course through a sequence of theoretical classes and practical workshops.

Aedvices UVM training courses include printed course materials

Printed course materials is available on the LMS so that learners can easily find the information they need.

Aedvices UVM training modules are available on our elearning platform

Learners also have access to video content on our LMS (learning management system) for one year after completion of the training.

Aedvices UVM trainers are dedicated to our UVM trainings

Our trainers are approachable and available to answer learners’ questions. They help trainees apply new concepts to their own projects.

Aedvices UVM trainings are accessible to learners with disabilities

All of our courses are designed to be delivered to groups, orally, and with visual materials. Contact us to discuss any disabilities or other special needs your learners have so that we can make any necessary adaptations. There may be an additional cost for some adaptations.

Plan to register for Aedvices UVM training at least one month before your planned start date

Courses usually start around a month after the initial request.

The Aedvices LMS for continued learning after your course ends

The Aedvices LMS (learning management system) is an online portal where learners can access their course content for one year after their course ends.

Learners can go back to all of the modules they have completed at any time during the year.

Use the recordings of our UVM trainings
Recordings of all UVM training courses are available

The participant has access access to videos of all the modules followed thanks to a personalized account.

Tchat for participant to the UVM trainings
See the FAQ for answers to your questions about our UVM trainings

The trainer answers participants' questions via instant messaging.

Use the labs to practice during your UVM trainings
Use the labs to practice during your UVM training

Learners can apply their new knowledge in our online Labs.

Check your knowledge with UVM training quizzes
Aedvices UVM training is delivered using different tools and teaching methods

Last but not least, learners can take quizzes to check their knowledge.

The Aedvices LMS ID and password are strictly personal and may be used only by the learner to whom they are assigned. Learners can print or make copies of the materials for their personal use only. All other reproduction or use of the materials is strictly prohibited.

Our trainers

Our trainers are experts in IP & SoC verification and are capable of adapting to learners’ prior knowledge and specific needs.

Meet some of our trainers

François Cerisier

Key strength: attention to detail

François is a verification expert and member of the Accellera Systems Initiative, an EDA and IC design and manufacturing standards organization. He consults with, trains, and advises verification project teams at companies across Europe. He is also one of our training quality assurance coordinators.

Eric Hargous

Key strength: experience and strong technical skills

Consultant and verification expert for Systemverilog/UVM, Eric is involved in the verification of complex systems. He is Verification Technical Director for Aedvices’ teams in France and Brazil. As a real globetrotter, he is highly adaptable, both in human and technical terms.

Aedvices training in a nutshell

(2019 to date)

23 courses delivered

Find out the number of UVM trainings provided by Aedvices since 2019

+300 participants

Find out the number of trainees for the UVM trainings provided by Aedvices since 2019

50 modules developed

Find out the number of specific UVM training modules provided by Aedvices since 2019

92% satisfaction rate*

Find out the percentage of satisfaction for UVM trainings provided by Aedvices since 2019

100% of our courses can be delivered remotely

Aedvices UVM trainings are available online

* (percentage of 125 participants that answered “yes” when asked “Did the program meet your expectations?”)

Our UVM and SystemVerilog training courses

The following information applies to all of our courses:

Courses can be taught in English or French; however, the materials are in English

Dates can be set to meet your needs

Verification engineer

Teaching methods  

  • Classes on theory
  • Case studies and practical application
  • Personalized mentoring and coaching

Training management

  • Attendance sheet
  • Satisfaction survey
  • Certificate of completion

Evaluation methods

Self-evaluation questionnaire available throughout the course and a final evaluation

To which training course apply?

Design Verification Engineers willing to learn SystemVerilog to develop testbenches or prior to join a UVM training

Gain a basic working knowledge on SystemVerilog.

Know how to use the principal aspects of the SystemVerilog language used in verification.

Be able to build SystemVerilog testbenches using random generation and functional coverage

Experience in using either Verilog or VHDL language for design or for building testbenches (ideally verilog)

* General programming knowledge: data types, loops, procedural programming such as C, Python, Perl, …

* Basic knowledge of object-oriented programming is a plus but is not strictly required

  • From 11 February to 26 March
  • From 11 March to 18 April
  • From 27 May to 4 July

Designers with Verilog or VHDL Background willing to use SystemVerilog to develop their designs

Be able to use SystemVerilog design constructs

* to simplify my RTL designs

* to be more productive

* to understand what I’m doing

Know the principal SystemVerilog constructs used to build testbenches

Have a VHDL design experience of over 1 year and have followed a training “Verilog for VHDL Designers” or equivalent

Have a Verilog design experience of over 1 year

Design Engineers willing to add assertions to improve their productivity.

Be able to use SVA assertions as part of the RTL design process

Be able to check design intent using SVA

Know the different types of assertions

Be able to use immediate (boolean) assertions within the code

Be able to use concurrent assertions to check time consuming events

Designers with RTL experience in Verilog

* Be able to write Verilog RTL designs

* Basic notions of C Programming

Verification Engineers starting with UVM

Be able to work on UVM projects

Be able to instantiates and use a UVM Verification IP

Be able to write UVM sequences

Be able to implement a scoreboard

Be able to write simple UVM agent

Having knowledge in SystemVerilog for verification (classes, interfaces, random generation, covergroups)

  • From 1 April to 21 May
  • From 13 May to 27 June
  • From 8 July to 19 September

Verification Engineers with a first experience in UVM willing to solve complex verification problem

Be able to develop advanced sequences

* using the sequence arbitration scheme

* using random selections

* building sequence libraries

* building reactive sequences

Be able to develop a complete Verification IP from scratch

Be able to implement a Register Abstraction Layer prediction and connect it to a scoreboard

Be able to interface UVM with external C models

Have a confirmed experience in using UVM

Students of the Verification School program

Know what is verification

Have notions of verification planning and processes

Have basic TCL scripting compentences

Be able to work on projects using AMBA buses

General hardware design and architecture knowledge

Some notions on test and verification

General project management know-how

This training is targeting verification engineers willing to acquire project management know-how and to be in a position to develop a verification plan.
An ideal training for Verification Engineers moving to responsibilities in verification projects and verification planning.

Be able to define a verification strategy:

Know the main aspects of verification projects

Be able to define verification objectives, metrics and activities

Be able to develop a verification plan at IP and at SoC level

Be able to define KPIs and track a verification project progress

General engineering background in hardware design and SoC architecture

Be involved in a hardware design and/or a verification project

Some notions of test and verification

General Project Management Know-How

Digital Microelectronics Engineers starting with SystemVerilog and UVM

Be able to instantiate Verification IPs and create a UVM testbench.

Be able to implement coverage metrics in line with a verification plan to report verification progress

Be able to implement checkers using scoreboards and simple assertions

General hardware design and architecture knowledge

Basic scripting know-how

Basic programming know-how (C, Python, …)

Knowledge of a Hardware Description Language such as VHDL or Verilog

Simulation know-how

Engineers with a first UVM experience willing to leverage their skills to resolve complex problems

Be able to implement a Verification IP

Be able to implement a register abstraction layer and prediction

Be able to write complex random test sequences

Be able to use the DPI-C efficiently to connect to a reference model or to control a sequence

Have experiences in writing test sequences

Be able to instantiate and use a Verification IP or a UVM agent

Be able to implement a scoreboard

Have notions of C programming 

Verification Engineers moving to formal verification to verify critical functionalities

Develop a formal verification approach and know-how to prove complex assertions using formal tools

Be able to develop complex assertions in SVA

For verification engineers involved or planning to be involved in Formal Verification

For IP Verification Engineers willing to move to the SoC Level Verification level
For Verification Engineers starting a project at SoC Level

Be able to develop SoC Level test following a verification plan

Be able to develop software driven tests at SoC Level

Be able to implement test automation at SoC Level

Understand how and why to use UVM at SoC Level

Be able to use coverage metrics and assertions at SoC Level

For engineers involved in SoC Level Verification :

General hardware design and architecture knowledge

General knowledge on SoC architecture

Financing for your UVM training and SystemVerilog training

Qualiopi quality certification for training providers in France

Aedvices obtained Qualiopi quality certification to:

  • Provide evidence of the quality of our training development and delivery processes
  • Demonstrate our professionalism as a training provider
  • Provide companies and training participants with clear information about our trainings

Because Aedvices is a Qualiopi-certified training provider, our trainings may be eligible for financing through the training fund you or your company are affiliated with. Contact your HR department to find out how to apply for financing.

Aedvices has obtained Qualiopi training quality certification for its UVM and SystemVerilog courses

Aedvices is Qualiopi-certified for its training activities.

Download the training catalog

Please enter your name and email to download the training catalog.