While the semiconductor industry opportunity for growth and innovation is high, this industry is facing a lack of new talents and employees trained with the right skills.
To address this potential risk, ARM has created the Semiconductor Education Alliance.
This alliance brings together partners from academia, industry and government. Indeed, change has to be global, and it’s important to get everyone’s strengths together to meet this challenge.
ARM Semiconductor Education Alliance has 3 goals :
- Bringing the semiconductor industry and academic worlds together to build industry KSA (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) frameworks & educational and training standards/ pathways
- A commitment to growing and supporting multiple accelerated learning pathways into semiconductor careers to bring further diversity of talent
- A robust skills pipeline for a thriving semiconductor industry building on the strengths of the Arm ecosystem
Aedvices is a Design Verification key contributor to this industry and provides trainings in advanced Design Verification methodologies. Advices is proud to join the alliance to spread its expertise.
At Aedvices, we look forward to leverage our expertise to develop verification trainings, addressing both initial educational needs, as well as continuous training to help experienced engineers develop new skills and meet market needs.
Thanks to this community, Aedvices hopes to get things moving forward and help span the gap between educational programs and market expectations.